Monday, March 7
1)Causes of WW1
2)Identify how militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism were the MAIN causes of WWI.
3)Map and identify the main countries and locations involved in WWI.
-Read pages 20-28 in Counterpoints
-answer questions on page 28
Make a map using pg. 22 & 42 in Counterpoints and an Atlas
Colour and Label the Following:
a) The major countries involved in the war
-Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Belgium, Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece.
b) Major bodies of water:
-English Channel, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean, North Sea
c) Shade in the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente Countries in two different colours
d) Label the city where the assassination of the Arch duke Ferdinand occurred.
e) Draw the Western Front:
- (1000 km’s of trenches running from the North Sea coastline to Switzerland.)
* Most Canadians fought on the Western Front.
f) Draw the Eastern Front trench line:
-from the Baltic Sea in Eastern Germany down to the Eastern border of Austria-Hungary
Tuesday, March 08
1.Identify the reasons that Canada entered the War.
2.Understand the main elements of Propaganda and how it influenced recruitment in the war.
3.Define the War Measures Act and its influence on the Canadian population.
4.Counterpoints pg. 24-27.
5.Example of WWI Propaganda Poster
Students are to create a Propaganda Poster reflecting Either the main reasons Canada went to war, Who was excluded, or the War Measure Act.
1)Students must use 3 persuasion techniques that have been discussed in class.
2)The poster must be effective and have a short paragraph on the back indicating what topic was covered and what makes their Propaganda poster effective.
1.Neatness, Clarity and Creativity 5 Marks
2.Detailed and Clear Explanation 10 Mark
Of Effectiveness and Topic
3. Inclusion of 3 Techniques 5 Marks
Total 20 Marks
Due Friday March 11, 2011.
Wednesday, March 09
1)The Causes of WW1:
3)Homework read pages 24-36 in Counterpoints. Answer questions on page 36.
****Maps due today
Thursday, March 10
1)Canada and WW1:
2) Key battles of WW1:
3)Technology and WW1
-Comic strip due tomorrow****
-Read the pages 36-48 in Counterpoints
Friday, March 11
1)"Canada's heavy military role in World War I (60,000 dead in a population of 8 million) transforms its society, its politics and its place in the world. The horror, bravery and sacrifice of trench warfare are evoked in Canada's great battles: Ypres, the Somme, Vimy Ridge, Courcelette and Passchendaele. The domestic consequences of Canada's war effort are also wrenching - the conscription crisis of 1917 marks a low point in English-French relations. After the war ends, labour revolts in Winnipeg and across the country raise fears of a Bolshevik insurrection. The return to stability in the mid-1920s lasts only briefly as the crash of 1929 plunges the country into economic chaos."
Video: Canada. A People's History: Ordeal by Fire.
2)Comic Strip Due Today
3)Use your spring break to catch up on missed assignments and study the material on the blog. We will be having a test when we get back from spring break. Canada 1899-the End of WW1 will be exam material. Have a great spring break.
Friday, March 11
1)"Canada's heavy military role in World War I (60,000 dead in a population of 8 million) transforms its society, its politics and its place in the world. The horror, bravery and sacrifice of trench warfare are evoked in Canada's great battles: Ypres, the Somme, Vimy Ridge, Courcelette and Passchendaele. The domestic consequences of Canada's war effort are also wrenching - the conscription crisis of 1917 marks a low point in English-French relations. After the war ends, labour revolts in Winnipeg and across the country raise fears of a Bolshevik insurrection. The return to stability in the mid-1920s lasts only briefly as the crash of 1929 plunges the country into economic chaos."
Video: Canada. A People's History: Ordeal by Fire.
2)Comic Strip Due Today
3)Use your spring break to catch up on missed assignments and study the material on the blog. We will be having a test when we get back from spring break. Canada 1899-the End of WW1 will be exam material. Have a great spring break.